CFRC Fitness Challenge - Parkway Edition
Fundraising ($5,605 raised)
Top fundraisers:
1.Janice Witte $650
2.Jennifer Brown $225
3.Frank Merritt $165.28
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Top contributors:
1.Frank Merritt $400
2.Laura and Mark Witte $250
3.Janice Witte $225
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Top team fundraisers:
1.CFRC Staff $661.11
2.Mcdubs $650
3.The Stilettos $541.67
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Latest contributions:
CFRC Staff Apr 11, 2021
Knox Law Rocks2 Mar 24, 2021
CFRC Staff Mar 23, 2021
Mcdubs Mar 23, 2021
Mcdubs Mar 23, 2021
Knox Law Rocks2 Mar 21, 2021
NHHS Knights Mar 19, 2021
Mcdubs Mar 14, 2021
Walkalot Mar 14, 2021
The Stilettos Mar 9, 2021
$100 from Liz Bustamante
The Hotdogs Feb 25, 2021
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1.#hcpsnc 8 racers × 99.1 avg = 792 miles
2.#crossnore 11 racers × 63.6 avg = 700 miles
3.#cknoxelderlaw 8 racers × 71.3 avg = 570 miles
4.#bellsouth 3 racers × 176.8 avg = 530 miles
5.#childrenandfamily 9 racers × 46.0 avg = 414 miles
6.#wnccaregiversupport 5 racers × 70.1 avg = 350 miles
7.#cfrcstaff 6 racers × 54.1 avg = 324 miles
8.#smartstartpfc 5 racers × 62.4 avg = 312 miles
9.#zoominternet 2 racers × 89.4 avg = 179 miles
10.#att 2 racers × 12.4 avg = 25 miles
1.Beth Ann's Bunch Finished
2.NHHS Knights Finished
3.The Stilettos Finished
4.Mcdubs Finished
5.Smart Start Finished
6.Knox Law Rocks2 Finished
7.Big Canoe Crew Finished
8.The Hotdogs Finished
9.BRpkwy or Bust! Finished
10.Russell Muscle Finished
11.Knox Law Rocks1 Finished
12.CFRC Staff Finished
13.Walkalot Finished
14.Crossnore Finished
15.SoleMates33 Finished
16.Knox Fitness 265.9 miles
17.Walkin’ & Rollin’ 213.6 miles
18.Team Doughnut 46.0 miles
19.Team Dunkin 0 miles
1.Beth Ann's Bunch 1878.6 miles
2.NHHS Knights 1120.4 miles
3.The Hotdogs 777.6 miles
4.Knox Law Rocks1 713.1 miles
5.The Stilettos 662.2 miles
6.BRpkwy or Bust! 631.8 miles
7.Smart Start 620.2 miles
8.CFRC Staff 616.0 miles
9.Knox Law Rocks2 566.7 miles
10.Walkalot 553.0 miles
11.Big Canoe Crew 534.8 miles
12.Russell Muscle 530.7 miles
13.SoleMates33 511.3 miles
14.Mcdubs 500.6 miles
15.Crossnore 486.1 miles
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*Only groups with more than 1 member will show up on the 'All groups' leaderboard.
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Group Mileage Log:
Athletes (138)
1.jandddub Finished
2.BuckeyeIronman 463.3 miles
3.CoachUy 324.1 miles
4.Jarred 301.4 miles
5.AHodge 298.4 miles
6.Shady 281.7 miles
7.LittleBean 277.9 miles
8.HiddenForce 225.4 miles
9.FM 225.2 miles
10.Highheel 205.0 miles
11.JennyBee 192.7 miles
12.Grandad 181.5 miles
13.Tburkhalter 180.8 miles
14.Blockhead 175.2 miles
15.TBlack 165.7 miles
16.Sneaker 161.7 miles
17.Salvaggio 159.8 miles
18.Mrainey 150.8 miles
19.LisaMay 143.4 miles
20.Stoker 137.0 miles
21.Redbeard828 133.9 miles
22.KFrench 127.8 miles
23.clmccrary 127.8 miles
24.Marykopp 125.7 miles
25.EPitts 123.8 miles
26.TrinaR 120.9 miles
27.Suzzzz 117.8 miles
28.Weinzapfel 117.3 miles
29.RobbieRix 116.3 miles
30.Jordy56 116.0 miles
31.AndreaJo 115.4 miles
32.L3P 112.2 miles
33.kentuckyguy 109.9 miles
34.Soniaspil 109.9 miles
35.gilliam 107.1 miles
36.EWoodall 101.9 miles
37.LillianLilly 101.8 miles
38.KJLake 101.2 miles
39.OGR 97.9 miles
40.Stacywitt 96.6 miles
41.NurseMelanie 95.8 miles
42.Puggy 95.3 miles
43.CharlottesWeb 92.0 miles
44.ERuss0318 87.4 miles
45.Roadrichter 83.7 miles
46.dstipe 83.0 miles
47.Abecker 77.4 miles
48.Bellaboo15 76.4 miles
49.Wheezey 74.4 miles
50.Yogahappy 73.2 miles
51.AmyElkins1 73.0 miles
52.Jefflehr 72.7 miles
53.Lambo 70.5 miles
54.CarrieAnn 70.0 miles
55.SmartStartHart 69.2 miles
56.JamieWiener 69.0 miles
57.EmilyStar 67.4 miles
58.4Goose 67.3 miles
59.Poeta 66.6 miles
60.4Jaybird 65.3 miles
61.SassieCassie 64.5 miles
62.Boeke 64.1 miles
63.ianaselig 64.1 miles
64.AnnieV 62.5 miles
65.VMAW 61.9 miles
66.KerryBrine 61.6 miles
67.bgv 61.6 miles
68.GrahamCracker2 61.0 miles
69.KThom 59.4 miles
70.LN 59.4 miles
71.Pandy 59.2 miles
72.MathNerd 58.8 miles
73.MCalhoun 58.6 miles
74.KyleGA 58.5 miles
75.swimgirl 58.0 miles
76.KMacD 56.1 miles
77.Bri27 55.8 miles
78.Griffinator84 55.7 miles
79.Meg22 52.9 miles
80.mhrussell 51.3 miles
81.AllMuscle 50.4 miles
82.THarrold 49.4 miles
83.ElanaFlan 49.0 miles
84.Allnamestaken 48.6 miles
85.Cares4Kids 48.4 miles
86.CWiener 47.0 miles
87.SamanthaJ 46.9 miles
88.CAsWife 46.2 miles
89.del_JxW7LQ 46.2 miles
90.Deanski 46.1 miles
91.Danuardo 43.1 miles
92.LabLover 41.7 miles
93.Chrisbuf 41.1 miles
94.Liner 41.0 miles
95.run_for_wine 39.9 miles
96.JKnox 38.7 miles
97.ChuckDawg 37.7 miles
98.HE 37.5 miles
99.fivefootstunaah 37.1 miles
100.ABollo 36.0 miles
101.erainey 34.7 miles
102.SillyBilly 34.4 miles
103.CandyCain 31.1 miles
104.IStillDontRun 30.3 miles
105.SBow 29.8 miles
106.CurtWitthoff 28.7 miles
107.AndrewThomas 27.7 miles
108.Wine2go 27.1 miles
109.Indigrrl 25.9 miles
110.Alidog 25.8 miles
111.sumstipe 25.5 miles
112.Lambatron 25.1 miles
113.SweetCarolineK 24.9 miles
114.Rollsonic 24.0 miles
115.Bali 20.8 miles
116.del_PUGy-w 19.7 miles
117.KKater 19.6 miles
118.TaeTae 18.0 miles
119.NickiG 16.7 miles
120.MiaW 15.5 miles
121.Birdgirl2008 13.6 miles
122.Crooked 13.5 miles
123.CameraGirl 13.1 miles
124.sjohnson 13.0 miles
125.Wasabi 12.0 miles
126.Dsantos 10.7 miles
127.Angietarheel 10.6 miles
128.RiverT 6.3 miles
129.PowdersMom 5.2 miles
130.MAHunter 3.0 miles
131.AdamBigDog 2.6 miles
132.Knarfguy 0 miles
133.BrittC 0 miles
134.slamdunks 0 miles
135.Cknox 0 miles
136.Hipper12 0 miles
137.HBuff 0 miles
138.Shmethany 0 miles
1.jandddub 500.6 miles
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*Only groups with more than 1 member will show up on the 'All groups' leaderboard.
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Group Mileage Log:
Recent Activity
Log Activity
About + Join
- From: Southern End of the Blue Ridge Parkway
- To: Northern End of the Blue Ridge Parkway
- Start date: March 12, 2021
- End date: April 12, 2021
- 0:00 EST
- 0:59 EST
- Route distance: 469.6 miles
- Total logged: 11,228.5 miles
We are thrilled to share in the adventure as we virtually travel the 469.6 miles of the Blue Ridge Parkway in support of the 14 programs at CFRC.
Exercise anywhere you want. Then log the activity and see your avatar move across the route. Catch a Google Street View of the new virtual locale, then cheer your real fellow racers! Share your bib on social media! Brag about your streaks or longest mileage!
We've got racers all over the globe! So to keep everyone on the same page, we've come up with some handy guidelines:
Questions? Write!
© 2025 Pressflex LLC
Exercise anywhere you want. Then log the activity and see your avatar move across the route. Catch a Google Street View of the new virtual locale, then cheer your real fellow racers! Share your bib on social media! Brag about your streaks or longest mileage!
We've got racers all over the globe! So to keep everyone on the same page, we've come up with some handy guidelines:
- Watch this video of Racery pro tips.
- Complete your bio. Include #groups to better track friends or colleagues.
- Update your passcode in settings.
- If your race includes activity conversions, we try to keep the playing field level, and conversions are based on effort, ie 1 hour cycling = ~1 hour swimming = ~1 hour tennis. Please log cycling minutes, not miles.
- To delete a log, click its gear on the right.
- Don’t like one type of email? Unsubscribe at the bottom of that email.
- If you post on social media, please include #raceryapp so we can find you!
- We rely on the honor system. You don't have to use a device to prove your miles, a good map or watch suffices.
- Only log intentional exercise please.
- Attribute your exercise to the appropriate day—don't combine workouts from multiple days.
- Only backdate logs for a race up to two weeks in the past.
- Activities submitted after the race ends will not count toward race leaderboards.
Questions? Write!
© 2025 Pressflex LLC
No mileage submitted yet.