Mountains to Sea Trail
Fundraising ($2,745 raised)
Top fundraisers:
1.Janet Clement $225.74
2.John Swartz $150.74
3.Jennifer Brown $131.99
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Top contributors:
1.Janet Clement $200
2.Anne Smith $100
3.Leigh Paschke $100
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Top team fundraisers:
1.The Stilettos $741.62
2.Shutter Speeds $427.35
3.The Hotdogs $290.15
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Latest contributions:
$50 from Anonymous
StaffSuperstars Apr 5, 2022
The Stilettos Mar 9, 2022
Filter by groups::
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1.#bellsouth 2 racers × 259.8 avg = 520 miles
2.#stillettos 2 racers × 199.7 avg = 399 miles
3.#childrenandfamily 7 racers × 35.9 avg = 251 miles
4.#cfrcstaff 6 racers × 37.0 avg = 222 miles
5.#stilettos 2 racers × 65.8 avg = 132 miles
6.#smartstartpfc 2 racers × 44.7 avg = 89 miles
1.Beth Anns Bunch Finished
2.Buns of Glory Finished
3.The Stilettos Finished
4.LP Joggers Finished
5.Board Buddies 714.3 miles
6.The Hotdogs 564.7 miles
7.Shutter Speeds 534.5 miles
8.StaffSuperstars 363.5 miles
9.#TeamDollyParty 210.0 miles
10.Knox Crew 51.6 miles
1.Beth Anns Bunch 1464.5 miles
2.Buns of Glory 1300.1 miles
3.The Stilettos 1259.1 miles
4.LP Joggers 1194.4 miles
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*Only groups with more than 1 member will show up on the 'All groups' leaderboard.
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Group Mileage Log:
Athletes (68)
1.Jarred 384.5 miles
2.BuckeyeIronman 378.3 miles
3.LittleBean 324.8 miles
4.Sabo 323.5 miles
5.Puppyluv 250.1 miles
6.MaBaird 243.4 miles
7.miapapia 242.8 miles
8.del_PUGy-w 230.2 miles
9.Wizard 217.6 miles
10.EllaDori 207.7 miles
11.kentuckyguy 195.5 miles
12.HiddenForce 194.8 miles
13.HoneyBun 194.1 miles
14.GrandpaWright 181.7 miles
15.ElanaFlan 177.6 miles
16.Cherios 175.6 miles
17.Blockhead 165.0 miles
18.Grammyjan 164.5 miles
19.jennyholloway 159.9 miles
20.Grandad 155.6 miles
21.ALC46 149.3 miles
22.JackieBob 147.2 miles
23.run_for_wine 140.2 miles
24.BeaverC 140.1 miles
25.BigRed83 138.8 miles
26.GigiGigi 128.0 miles
27.K_J 124.0 miles
28.badmamamo 118.0 miles
29.Jefflehr 102.5 miles
30.Bri27 95.5 miles
31.ClaireC 91.9 miles
32.Lambo 91.8 miles
33.SPW 89.8 miles
34.L3P 88.4 miles
35.LillianLilly 87.4 miles
36.April83 87.3 miles
37.AndreaJo 85.7 miles
38.DocForKids 82.6 miles
39.Stoker 79.6 miles
40.DanRuiz 77.7 miles
41.Janet_12329 75.9 miles
42.EWoodall 71.3 miles
43.SassieCassie 68.4 miles
44.AmandaPanda 62.4 miles
45.ERuss0318 61.1 miles
46.Lewidawg 61.1 miles
47.bgv 61.1 miles
48.JLTODD 56.8 miles
49.Absmith 51.6 miles
50.JohnG 50.7 miles
51.CocoChanel 44.1 miles
52.MathNerd 40.0 miles
53.CharlottesWeb 32.4 miles
54.SueZQ 30.8 miles
55.JamieWiener 28.8 miles
56.Lulu102 28.7 miles
57.JoelJ 20.2 miles
58.KarlaJ 19.5 miles
59.CarrieAnn 18.2 miles
60.HE 15.0 miles
61.NedaC 14.5 miles
62.CameraGirl 14.0 miles
63.AndrewThomas 9.2 miles
64.Indigrrl 7.9 miles
65.JKnox 0 miles
66.PowdersMom 0 miles
67.Knarfguy 0 miles
68.Bellaboo15 0 miles
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*Only groups with more than 1 member will show up on the 'All groups' leaderboard.
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Group Mileage Log:
Recent Activity
Log Activity
About + Join
- From: Clingman's Dome
- To: Jockey's Ridge
- Start date: March 11, 2022
- End date: April 11, 2022
- 0:00
- 23:59
- Route distance: 1,183 miles
- Total logged: 7,656.7 miles

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- We rely on the honor system. You don't have to use a device to prove your miles, a good map or watch suffices.
- Only log intentional exercise please.
- Attribute your exercise to the appropriate day—don't combine workouts from multiple days.
- Only backdate logs for a race up to two weeks in the past.
- Activities submitted after the race ends will not count toward race leaderboards.
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